Virgo Tarotscope

The Magician from the Mucha Tarot

The Magician from the Mucha Tarot

Your Tarot Mentor for May 2024:
The Magician

Theme: Razzle-Dazzle

Advice/Action: Practice, then trust your skills

How it might show up generally:
Artistry gained through repetition, prep work gives you confidence and provides an edge

How it might show up in relationships:
Go big or go home, be pro-active, be honest…but with flair, risks are more likely to pay off now

How it might show up in work/career:
Invest in more tools to help close a deal, your confidence will impress a client, bold moves move your career to the next level

This is the card of someone who seems to pull advantages out of thin air. You and I know better, don’t we? It takes practice and skill and most importantly: a belief in your ability to pull it off. But the audience doesn’t know about your efforts behind the scenes, your fans think you have special powers because you make the magic you do look so easy. This cycle, your act is due to impress and your fame will spread bringing a new level of recognition and better opportunities. So practice your skills, invest in your tools and education, hone your craft. Remind yourself that you were made for this moment, you will be at your most powerful when you have your act together. Here comes the spotlight!

For more Tarot goodness, check out the videos over on my YouTube channel here!